SPAR Announces;
“Not only during Field Day in June, do the bands come alive with improvised signals proving the ability to respond to emergencies. Since emergencies and natural disasters don't always happen in the summer, during Winter Field Day, frigid winds, icy limbs and bitter cold replace the thunderstorms and blistering heat of summer. In 2007 SPAR established a Winter Field Day event and invited all Amateur Radio operators to participate. The event was repeated in 2008 and was considered a success, so it was then designated an annual event to be held the last full weekend each January. In 2007 - 2010 the event was enjoyed by many, but it is time to issue the invitation for the Fifth Annual SPAR Winter Field Day!”
“The 2011 Winter Field Day will be held from 1700 UCT (12:00 noon EST) Saturday January 29, 2011 through 1700 UCT (12:00 noon EST) Sunday January 30, 2011. The object of the event is familiar to most Amateur Radio operators: set up emergency-style communications and make as many contacts as possible during the 24 hour period. The rules encourage as many contacts on as many bands and modes as possible, because during a real emergency, the most important factor is the ability to communicate, regardless of band, mode or distance.”
“The official rules can be found at the SPAR web site. The event is open to all amateurs, although we encourage everyone to join in the discussions and other activities sponsored by SPAR. Information about SPAR can be found on the SPAR Home Page. Membership is free and open to all amateurs who want to encourage technical and operating skills. You can register by going to the SPAR Forum and registering, using your amateur callsign as your user name. “
NOW: Here is Ellsworth, the Ellsworth Amateur Wireless Association (EAWA) will be participating in it’s second annual Winter Field Day. EAWA will operate from Meadow View Apartments Phase 4 dining hall where the group along with Hancock county EMCOMM hold their monthly meetings (For those with GPS it is “25 Tweedie Lane”) The group will start operating at 1200 hours on Saturday January 29th and operate until 2000 hours Saturday evening. There will be a potluck supper at 1700 hours and those attending are urged to bring a dish to share with the group, and you might want to bring drinks for the day as well. Set up will beging earlier than 1200 hrs so you might want to stop by to lend a hand as well. This is a fun time to join in on during the cold winter months..getting us psyched up for the big June event! Hope to see you there, and if you are not a Ham but interested in what this great hobby is all about you are invited to attend and find uot! Further info email Phil, N1EP at n1ep@yahoo.com or Mark N1MEA at n1mea @myfairpoint.com
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