Well folks, the time is quickly approaching for Field Day! June 27th and 28th at Lamoine Beach. Go East on Route 1 out of Ellsworth, just past Myrick Street on your right will be the turn for Route 184. Take Route 184 to the very end and there is Lamoine Beach where the Ellsworth Amateur Wireless Association (EAWA) along with Hancock County EMCOMM will be holding Field Day activities. We will be meeting there around 0700 hours on Saturday the 27th to begin set up and all are invited to join in the festivities! Set up is a very important part of what Field Day is about (operating radios from remote locations testing equipment and antennas) and the more the merrier! There will be a Voice station, CW station and a GOTA (Get On The Air) Station. Actual operations begin at 1400 hrs (2PM) Saturday and continue for 24 hours until 1400 hrs Sunday. There will be operators needed for the entire span. If you would like to attend and have a specific time you could operate email Evie KA1BRA at eviesargent@yahoo.com . And of course, there will be food! So, if you are interested please come and join in the fun, just visit, operate, or eat! If you know of anyone interested in Amateur Radio please pass this information on to them. For further information contact any of the below listed Amateur Radio operators:
Galen KB1NJC gokane@peoplepc.com
Phil N1EP n1ep@yahoo.com
Evie KA1BRA eviesargent@yahoo.com
Mark N1MEA n1mea@myfairpoint.net
Dick W1KRP w1krp@arrl.net
Phil N1EP n1ep@yahoo.com
Evie KA1BRA eviesargent@yahoo.com
Mark N1MEA n1mea@myfairpoint.net
Dick W1KRP w1krp@arrl.net
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