Well the blog is back, updated a tad. EMCOMM is alive in Hancock County contrary to popular belief. Lots have happened in the local ham radio community and all are in hopes more will follow. One of the top 'tid-bits' is recently, Rob, W8HAP, recently released the ARRL stats on the 2007 Field Day results. EAWA should hold its head high! First in our catagory Statewide and third overall in Maine! I just goes to show you how pre-planning, working strong with teamwork and having fun will end in results that shine.
Deb Hubbard, N1FQ, has been placed on the Maine Coast Disaster Response Team. Deb works at MCMH and they realized they had an asset there in her being a Ham. MCMH is one of many hospitals that have in house 2 meter radio stations for use in case of emergent situations. Deb also has rousted up 10-12 people who are now studying for their tech licenses and will be testing on 12/15 during a session at MCMH.
A exercise recently that 'piggy-backed' on a larger full scale exercise in Waldo County was held testing comms between MCMH and HCEMA and the hospital's disaster plan including their Decon station. A great deal of time and effort went into this exercise and was very realistic complete with "patients"!
The local ham radio community, and especially EMCOMM, is lucky to have Lynn O'Kane, KB1OTM working now in the Hancock County EMA office with Ralph and Linda. Talk about a great asset for everyone involved! Lynn got her Tech license to join her husband Galen, KB1NJC and her son Joe, KB1NJD in the Amateur Radio ranks!
So, as you can see, things have been moving along....hopefully the future will see the progress moving at a faster pace!
Take care all.
Stay Safe!!!!!
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