The Ellsworth Amateur Wireless Association (EAWA) will be participating in “Winter Field Day” sponsored by “SPAR”, Society for the Preservation of Amateur Radio on Saturday, January 30th, from 12 Noon until 8 PM. We will be operating from the Phase 4 dining room at Meadow View Apartments where the monthly EAWA meetings are held. We are in hopes to have 2 if not 3 stations operating. If you are a ham and even if not and would like to learn more about Ham radio, plan on stopping by and joining in the fun. There will be a potluck supper in the same place around 1800 hrs. If you plan on attending at that time please bring something to share. For further info email Phil N1EP at n1ep@yahoo.com, or Evie KA1BRA at eviesargent@yahoo.com or if you are on the air locally on the 147.030 (100 hz tone) repeater or the 146.910 (151.4 hz tone) repeater sign on and someone should be able to help you! The location, Meadow View Apartments is 3/10 of a mile past Maine Coast Memorial Hospital on Union Street here in Ellsworth. Turn right onto Tweedie Lane, Phase 4 on the left, dining room in center of building. 73!