This article was taken from the April 2009 Newsletter from the http://www.emcomm.org/ website.
By Jerry Boyd, N7WR, Associate Editor and ICS Advisor
This column will continue last month’s discussion regarding how home stations might provide some EMCOMM support during major incidents. As noted in the March issue, some amateurs, for a variety of reasons, may want to help but are simply unable to respond in the field to emergencies and disasters. There are a number of important tasks that need to be performed by the EMCOMM unit, but to assign them to a field-capable volunteer might mean that an essential field position is unstaffed. Here is where the "homebound" can step in. Radio traffic in response to an emergency/disaster is important and it needs to be documented. There are multiple reasons why documentation is important. Just one of those reasons is to aid in the after-action critique/evaluation of the incident response. The home-based station may be in a good position to monitor and audio record all radio traffic involving the EMCOMM unit response to the incident. Whether done by a tape recorder or via a computer sound card, this is important data to compile and is the type which a “ham at home” can gather. Every group, including EMCOMM groups, have need for logistical support during their operational periods. Food, water, fresh batteries, fuel, notepads, sunscreen, etc….all may need to be replenished if the event is of long duration. The ham at home can be a valuable resource in determining what is needed, where it is needed, and when it is needed and then making arrangements to procure same and have it delivered. Finally, events of long duration cannot be handled by the initial crew of responding radio operators. There will be a need to relieve them with fresh operators. The home-bound station can help team leaders determine staffing needs, and recruit and schedule replacement operators as necessary. In summary, the home station has more than ample opportunities to be of service.
73 from NE Oregon de N7WR n7wr@wrrl.org