Last night, August 14th, the EAWA meeting held at Meadow View hosted a great guest speaker; Richard “Beau” Beausoleil, N1REX.
Beau is the retired Fire Chief of the Togus FD in Augusta and has extensive Communications experience which includes being a Amateur Radio Operator for a number of years. Beau shared his past experiences which all lead to the importance that Hams play in emergency situations and how we can “get out” when many other means of communications fail. Hancock County EMA officials, AKA Ralph and Linda, invited Beau to speak on Emergency Comms and how RACES comes into play. All attending were told of how RACES operates and how it can benefit by becoming registered as a RACES group. The importance of acting as a Government entity as opposed to being a private organization was discussed in detail. There is much to be gained and further local discussion I am sure will follow on this! Thanks Beau!